This is part 2 of the story about Sequoia Schmidt. You can find Sequoia at John and Sequoia celebrating the completion of their chicken coop. John and Sequoia with the sister puppies they got from a neighbor’s litter – they’re half German Shepard, half Beagle, aw! John celebrating as they closed on their house in February Denali and Sequoia mountaineering with Marty Denali and Sequoia as kids Family photo Denali and Sequoia in the mountains Marty and Denali in their tent Denali skiing To hear this episode (and 80+ other archival episodes, plus brand new episodes of our 2019/20 season) join us on Patreon for just $1 per month. To hear this episode (and 80+ other archival episodes, plus brand new episodes of our 2019/20 season) join us on Patreon for just $1 per month. To hear this episode (and 80+ other archival episodes, plus brand new episodes of our 2019/20 season) join us on Patreon for just $1 per month.The Schmidts, Part 2
The Schmidts Part 1
The Cape, Chapter 1
Lea is back, but where has she been? The story officially starts here.
The Corona Dialogues 1
A poet from Austin, Asenath Avinash, brings beauty and hope, and Paul and Lea do DIY couple's therapy in a hottub.
Wilmot of Helena
Wilmot Collins is an interesting man with an interesting story. This is it. I hope you enjoy it.
Strangers Archives
Meet Sequoia Schmidt – a most interesting and unusual young woman from a most interesting and unusual family. This is Part 1 of her story. Part 2 drops next week. Enjoy!
You can find Sequoia at