To hear this episode (and 80+ other archival episodes, plus brand new episodes of our 2019/20 season) join us on Patreon for just $1 per month. Four years ago, we met Becca, a virgin in her 30s who waxed genitals for a living. On this episode we play her original story, along with an update about what Becca has been up to since then… To hear this episode (and 80+ other archival episodes, plus brand new episodes of our 2019/20 season) join us on Patreon for just $1 per month. Henry and Jane Check out Henry’s Robots for Humanity project. The Evanses: Henry and Jane with their four children, To hear this episode (and 80+ other archival episodes, plus brand new episodes of our 2019/20 season) join us on Patreon for just $1 per month. Sometimes you get in a rut as a creative professional, wondering if you’ll ever be a professional, creatively, or if you’ll be forever stuck in some dead-end day job that’s designed to pay the bills but barely does. And then you might fantasize that some big change, or chance encounter, or fabulous coincidence is going to turn it around FOREVAH. Sometimes, though, we should be careful what we wish for…Suzanne Clores tells this story. And speaking of artists trying to be creative professionals, please support our Radiotopia Fall Campaign to raise money for 2016 and keep this show and 12 other stellar shows in production. It’s ON right now at From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! To hear this episode (and 80+ other archival episodes, plus brand new episodes of our 2019/20 season) join us on Patreon for just $1 per month. What exactly does a sex surrogate do? Meet Kendra Holliday to find out.Elizabeth and Mary, Part 1
Would you give a kidney to a stranger? Inspired by a previous episode of Strangers, Elizabeth decided to do just that. This is Part 1 of the story that ensued.
The Waxing Virgin — Then and Now
A Special Broadcast From Strangers
Henry Evans was a healthy 40 year-old father of four when he suffered a stem-brain stroke, caused by an unknown congenital defect, and woke up with “locked-in” syndrome, only able to blink, otherwise completely paralyzed and mute. These days, still mute but able to move his head and one finger, he can communicate and accomplish remarkable things, thanks in part to some creative inventions of his own, and to his wife Jane. Together they demonstrate that a sense of humor may be the last thing to go when much else is lost.
still laughing even as the family is visiting the oldest son,
Stephen, who was injured as a medic in Iraq
(no joke, but thankfully he is fully recovered).
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman
Strangers Archives
Produced by Lea Thau and Paul Dreux Smith.